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Uniform Store & Dress Code

Uniform Store & Dress Code

Through our dress code and uniform policies, Signature Preparatory is able to maintain a distraction-free environment. From our classrooms to our hallways, our campus is designed with learning in mind. 

In addition to helping us create a moral, wholesome, and distraction-free environment, families benefit from uniforms in the following way: 

  • Cost savings 

  • Time savings (less planning/time spent in the morning choosing outfits) 

  • Removing comparison/jealousy among students in the classroom.

Our Uniform Store

School Code: 1072

Visit Uniform Store

To purchase clothes, please take advantage of our upcoming Uniform Fitting Days or by visiting our school stores.

Everyday Attire

5 Days a week, our students dress in uniform.  This includes our baby blue polos and black bottoms, which are mandatory.  Dress For Success is optional and can be worn any day of the week but encouraged on Fridays.

Contact Signature Preparatory K-8

Signature Prep’s uniforms add to the moral and wholesome environment we’ve created at our school. Experience it for yourself, and learn more about our school policies, by scheduling a campus tour. Call or text (702) 777-1254, for immediate scheduling. 

Call (702) 777-1254